Meet the Board

Bob Rehbein
Bob was fortunate to have been Justin Kukowski's step father. After Justin passed away from cancer (medulloblastoma), he became involved with the development of the Justin Kukowski Center (now the Cashman Center) from 2009 to 2014. In 2015 we formed the Justin Kukowski Foundation. Bob has served as President since 2015, along with serving on the Scholarship committee since 2016.
Bob is employed as a Professional Animal Scientist for United Farmers Cooperative

Don Kukowski
Treasurer & Father of Justin
Don retired from engineering in 2014. His passion now is to travel, enjoy his children and grandchildren, and find time to serve people in need. He has served as the Justin Kukowski Foundation Treasurer and on the Foundation's Scholarship Award Committee since 2015.

Caitlin Austin

Kyle Kukowski
Brother of Justin

Jake Austin